City Cab Paris waiting time on Luxury place Vendome

07.2018 Fashion week – Haute Couture.

Fashion Week Addition - July 2018.

This was one of our favourite jobs! Indeed, the time to be ready for an impeccable start to end service is that of a high-end fashion week.


In these moments, all the major fashion houses call upon the best drivers in Paris to ensure they embellish every moment!

City Cab Paris Fashion Week


Here are the general types of requests:

  • Customers all over the world contact City Cab directly to reserve a number of vehicles for between 3 and 10 days.
  • Fashion houses call upon us to transport their VIPs or models.
  • Our services are called upon for various customers from France and the rest of the world who are attending these shows. We deal with everything from home and hotel departures to driving them to the shops!

Nos équipes sont formées à la conduite “chauffeur sécurité” et ce afin s’occuper des déplacements ultra sensibles.

Team City Cab Paris Place Vendome


We would like to thank these companies and the various partners for placing their confidence and trust in the City Cab Paris team. It is your satisfaction that we are looking for in order to keep Paris living up to its promises.


For future Fashion Weeks think City Cab Paris and make reliability a reality!



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